Dress: Forever21
Tights: Macys
Shoes: Primark
Hello Total Normalians! I have been terrible this summer with updates, I know. In my defense I have been traveling non-stop since May 24. My best friend from home and I have been to 5 Europeans cities in less than 2 weeks time. After staying a wonderful week in Germany in Dusseldorf and Berlin, Melanie and I headed to Budapest and then to London.
Before arriving in London, I had heard nothing but amazing stories about the clothing store, Primark. People kept hyping up the store, describing how amazing and amazingly cheap it was. Finally, on Friday Melanie and I headed to Primark on Oxford Street. It was just as crazy busy as I had been forewarned that it would be and the prices were just as cheap. I finally bought a pair of oxford shoes. The pair I had been searching for my entire life (or past 4 months) and they were only 8 pounds. Cheers, Primark, you are fantastic.
I have more posts to come, but they will be delayed as I am on honeymoon with my best friend in Lisbon.
- Alexandra