Caroline's Outfit:
Headwrap: Gift from Amsterdam
Turtleneck: Target
Poncho: Forever 21
Skirt: Thrift store
Boots: Can’t remember!

Caroline: Los turtlenecks son un regalo de Dios.
La primavera se había asomado, pero se volvió a esconder...
¿Por qué le pasan estas cosas a la boricua?
Lo cierto es que los caribeños siempre le vemos el lado bueno a las cosas, así que pensé: “YES! Mis turtlenecks!”
Quizás todo forma parte de un deseo reprimido (por haber vivido toda mi vida en temperaturas de casi 100 grados), pero lo más que me ha gustado de vivir en la Alaska del Midwest son los turtlenecks, las bufandas y este poncho que compré en rebaja en Chicago, imaginando una vida normal aquí.
Alexandra: Odds & Ends
A dear colleague of mine made a comment about my outfit today that made me smile. She said something to the effect of: "You put these outfits together using things that I wouldn't think would go well together. Like the short leggings and the dress, but then they look so cool." It made me smile, because that is essentially my thought process when I put my outfits together. I'm all about finding pieces that don't seem like they would compliment each other (e.g. mixing random prints and colors) when you put them next to each other, but with the right styling it creates a pleasing effect.
Fall and Winter are my favorite seasons for fashion, because it's almost as if one's body is a blank canvas waiting to be painted, but instead of paint and pastels you can layer on many various colors, patterns, and accessories. I suppose since I was never the artistic child in the traditional sense, I found my niche in clothing and accessories.
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