Caroline's outfit:
Wrap- Bijou (Puerto Rico)
Shirt- GAP
Cardigan- American Eagle (thrifted)
Skirt- Goodwill
Shoes- Rainbow
Necklace- Gift from Melanie, my cousin.

Caroline: Piensa verde/Think green
Por si no lo han notado, casi toda mi ropa es negra...o gris (que termina siendo combinado con negro).
Decía Marcus Garvey, que la gente negra debía romper con esa costumbre racista de asociar el negro con la depresión y el blanco con la alegría; que nos vistiéramos de negro cada vez que nos sintiéramos felices.
Y yo sí creo que no hay color más hermoso que el negro [y el rosa]. De él nace todo: la luz del día viene de la noche, las plantas nacen de la oscuridad de la tierra...todo!
Y no porque me vistiera de verde hoy significa que estoy triste, pero combinarlo con el amarillo también me hace feliz. Muy feliz.
Alexandra: That is O.O.C. Bananas. I die.
Whenever I think of maxi dresses paired with wedges and tons of accessories I think of the Los Angeles hippie-at-heart Rachel Zoe and her plethora of ridiculous sayings. For those of you haven't experienced the magic of the Rachel Zoe Project yet on Bravo, Rachel Zoe is a stylist to the stars. Her clientele includes such fantastic ladies as Anne Hathaway, Liv Tyler, Cameron Diaz, and Kate Hudson to name a few. Rachel is very eccentric and whenever she is particularly in love with an outfit she'll typically say "That is bananas. Buh. nah. nuhs" or the classic "Ohmigod, I die."
Although I love being a graduate student in French literature studying the meaning of existence in the works of Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir, I do often dream of following in Rachel's footsteps in the artificial superficial world of fashion. It's my thing, let it go.
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